Nothing much exciting has happened in the garden since our last post. Well, unless you want to see the weeds that have grown up. We are actually leaving some of the lambs quarters in our lettuce bed to harvest to eat. We have sowed seed for some of our cooler loving crops out in the beds and they are just starting to come up. We have also transplanted a few things. We have started several more varieties of plant from seeds and the light rack has been filled to overflowing. It sort of looks like a mini jungle. Well, if you were about a half an inch tall it would be. :)
The Mini Jungle |
To quickly get everyone up to speed, we have planted peas, spinach, lettuce, radishes and potatoes from seed and have transplanted cauliflower, onions, lettuce and broccoli into the raised beds. We currently have seeds starting for several varieties of flowers, cumin, thyme, and oregano. We have red cabbage and parsley waiting to be transplanted and swish chard from last year in the green house. Under the light rack, we have peppers, tomatoes, petunias, eggplant and goji plants growing .
Tomorrow I am hoping to test out filling a barrel directly from the hand well pump. I will let you know how that goes...