No I do not mean State colors, even though I do live in Michigan. This is how I amuse myself during the long, now white days of winter. Our winter snowstorm has dropped over a foot of snow as seen on my birdbath.
Snow Cake |
This past fall, I took rosemary cuttings from my plant outside and started them inside in some compost. In that compost was a sunflower seed which sprouted and much to my surprise, bloomed! The plant is about 3 feet tall, and I believe is a Lemon Queen. So I have one of my beloved sunflowers in the middle of winter.
Sun Flower Surprise |
Another happy ending is my phalaenopsis orchid, which I clumsily broke the fragile flower stalk off of earlier this fall while cleaning. I was very upset but had a small hope of it regrowing another stalk. I had read that this was possible, but had never experienced it before. Usually I have three to five beautiful white 4 inch blooms on my orchid by now.
New growth on old orchid stalk |
I might still have some flowers yet this spring on the new shoot. Note to self: Be very, very careful next year!
A few of my other plants that make me smile are my burro's tail, my mini succulent garden, and my African violet which blooms all winter.
Burro's Tail |
Succulent Garden Closeup |
African Violet |
When it is cold and white outside, I am warm and green inside. Now I just have to figure out how to get more plants inside... Shhhhh.... don't tell Timothy.