We have been slowly working on our garden(s) as time and
weather permits. It has been much cooler
lately than what we experienced in March.
To keep everyone who reads this (Does anyone read this?) up to date,
here is a rundown of what is new.
I have tested attaching a hose to my new pump as
mentioned before and it was a failure.
From my understanding the pump is supposed to work under pressure, but it
leaked out its own cap and top as the pressure, which I didn’t think would be a
problem, was too high. So my new pump
has been disappointing for what I had hopped.
The one thing that I am still using it for is the hope that it will not
wear out for a very long time… If it
survives more than 2 years it will be doing better than my old picture pump
which is now useless without a new leather.
For the raised beds I have been attaching fence panels to
the posts and am using what is called a square hook or an “L” screw. This seems to work OK to
remove and replace but fussing is still present at times as the fence pieces
like to get hung up on stuff. I would
not recommend this method unless you do not mind a little fussing. It is definitely a cheap way to go if money
is tight. Just look for what is on sale
and what can work. I chose the landscape
timber posts as fence supports because I could get them at a buck a piece at the time and they
were cheaper than metal stakes or the material to build my own frames. I stapled the end fence panels for semi permanence and attached the side panels by 3 square hooks. Two at the top and one in the middle at the bottom.
Square Hook Closeup |
Shannon made some nice signs to hang on the beds at my
request because I would get mixed up on which bed was what number. Now they are all neatly numbered. She used some ceramic tiles and paint pens and hung them with a piece of wire.
Bed 4 With Welcome Campau Garden Tiles |
Bed 1 with all Fencing in Place |
Today Shannon put some mulch down around the peas,
broccoli, and cauliflower. She used some shredded tall ornamental grass cuttings and chipped branches I chopped up in the shredder. It
worked quite well, better than the hay we put down last year because it was smaller pieces and easier to place around the plants. Don’t have a picture for that yet but you should
see it soon enough. The Remay cloth in bed 2 pictured above is covering newly planted carrot seeds in an attempt to keep the soil moist to help the new plants come up. We have not had good success with carrots in the past so this is a new trial.
I also am relieved to announce that after much work I
have released Garden Time Pro. I will
plan to do a full review giving the features in a future blog. For now you can check it out at this link: