Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Water Plan

Well, it is finally done!  After much time spent in calculations, research and designing in CAD the watering plan is finished (for now) and the items are ordered.  I completed the plan just in time for a one day 20% discount sale from dripworks.com!  This was such a blessing.

I will have to do a future update with pictures after it is installed.  For now you can take a look at my finalized plan shown below.  Sorry the image is hard to see.  Just know that a lot of time went into the design and layout of this.  I designed a shutoff at each bed.  I won't be able to water everything at once because there will be too much water demand but should be able to do it in 2 sections.  I basically have 1/4" emitter tubing with 0.5 GPH emitters spaced every 6" filling the 10 main beds.  For the blueberries and gojis I am using what drip works calls a shrubbler.  There is also 1/2" emitter tubing going to the terraced raspberry and strawberry beds.

Hopefully this watering system will deliver a consistent amount of water with a great deal less physical labor.  More time for working this year in the flower beds!

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